Neutral Baby Nursery Ideas For Boys And Girls

Neutral Nursery Ideas

Nice green baby nursery rooms pictures

Green can be a good neutral room color on the walls and stuff what you put on your babys nursery room. If you don’t know the gender of the soon to born child you can go safe with green color. It’s the basic color for boys and girls and works like a charm. So judge your self with these nursery rooms that has the green color as the primary color in the room.

Nice green color on the walls but this is a definitely a girls room because of the pink clothes and lamp. The green is also a little too light and bright for a boys room. Nice colors tough to a girls room.

This green room is perfect fit to both a girl and boys room. This color is just the perfect wall paint color for both genders. Those nice items on the shelf are nice and can be fitted with both boys and girls.

This is perfect green stuff stuffed room. The picture where is the wall showing is a great exsample that you don’t have to paint the entire wall to get the green atmosphere in the room. It could be easily changed because you don’t need to paint the entire wall when repainting. Those items are also great with this greenish room. Definitely a fav for me!

From these pictures and rooms you get the idea of a gender neutral room for baby nursery. Remember to use your imagination when doing baby nursery rooms and thinking ideas for them. Use a theme or paint a unique theme yourself. Get the brushes and start thinking for ideas based from these images.

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